I have discovered similarities between writing and photography, but there are also significant differences.
No appeal from new equipment #
In photography, equipment has always been an essential, if not the driving factor for me to spend time photographing. In writing, on the other hand, there is no technical equipment that draws me back to the desk as a technology lover. A computer and a simple text editor will suffice - not exactly the kind of gadgets that make my heart beat faster as a tech geek.
No interaction with others #
Photography, like writing, is an ego activity for me. Since I don’t take portraits in my street photography where I interact with people, communication with others is left out. But when I’m out and about with other photographers, photo equipment is the number one topic of conversation. Imagine bloggers walking around discussing their notepads and pens with enthusiasm and intoxication.
No disillusionment after the initial euphoria #
Compared to photography, writing has the advantage that there is no hangover after the initial euphoria over new equipment. After a few days of childlike joy over a new camera or a new lens comes the great disillusionment: And now? What can I do with the new camera or lens that I couldn’t do before? Why don’t my new photos trigger any enthusiasm in me?
This hitting the ground of reality does not occur when writing, as you already are at the bottom with a blank page. A blank sheet, similar to an old camera and an empty memory card and the anxious question: What is my next step?
The circle to photography closes… #
To start blogging at all, I should probably bake smaller rolls or posts. For example, self-contained trains of thought, similar to diary entries. Short stories that don’t follow the main thread of an extensive series of articles. This could be the recipe for counteracting writer’s block - a kind of warm-up exercise for later, larger stories. After all, you learn to walk before you can walk and then run.
Little writing exercises like this help me to put my wandering thoughts into an orderly sequence and block out everyday life for a while. Similar to my walks, where I spontaneously and reflexively freeze moments without thinking about a larger photo project.
…almost #
Despite the analogy to spontaneous street photography, I am concerned with the question of how personal my articles should be. The more personal the blog posts, the more I expose myself to the eyes of anonymous readers. I never had this feeling with my photography. Because the thoughts that led to the photo are not visible in it. The viewer is completely free to interpret the photo with their own thoughts. The content of a blog post, on the other hand, essentially consists of my thoughts, which in my view leaves much less room for interpretation.
Terminal station #
Both photography and writing offer unique opportunities for creative expression, but differ in their approach and the challenges they present. While photography has often inspired me through technical innovations and visual impressions, something different, unknown, unforeseen will (have to…) trigger me to write a post. Both activities require a balance between isolation and expression, with writing probably creating a more intimate connection with the reader. Ultimately, photography and writing complement each other by appealing to different facets of creativity and offering multiple opportunities to bring something new into the world.