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Pied-Crested Tit-Tyrant

·67 words·1 min· loading · loading ·
AI Writing Blog
Ivan Rigamonti
Dreamworlds - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article

Clocks melt and words dance in the wind. The striped-bellied tachurite tyrant whispers:

“Vocations drying up, nobody wants to be selfless any more, everybody wants their fun.” 1

Frogs wearing glasses have been singing it from the trees for a long time: professions turn into colorful butterflies and selflessness into a bizarre song sung by the stars.

Pied-Crested Tit-Tyrant with Frogs © 2024, Ivan Rigamonti

  1. John Updike ↩︎

Dreamworlds - This article is part of a series.
Part 3: This Article


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