In the government quarter, where neighbors whisper like leaves in the wind, a question hovers in the air: “Can machines think?”
Thoughts whirl and dance in my head like stray sparks that do not come from a superior artificial intelligence. And yet there remains an incomprehensible emptiness, a mystery that eludes my understanding.
A heat shield of confusion surrounds me. My attention span flutters like a desperate butterfly trying to find its way through a maze of mirrors on my smartphone.
“Everything in excess is opposed to nature,” 1
an old chicken warns me, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
In the depths of my consciousness, doors are constantly opening and closing with a loud bang. Lost in this storm of confusion, my fragmented thoughts swirl in an infinite kaleidoscope.
Somewhere in this chaos, the last missing piece of the puzzle has been lost.

Hippocrates ↩︎